Gutters are a vital piece to your home, especially this time of year when the rain season is in full swing! Without gutters, your home would probably be swamped with water on the roof and around the foundation, which could lead to even more problems. However, even brand-new gutters can still get clogged with debris like leaves and twigs. Clogged gutters need cleaned out to avoid damage, but cleaning them out can be a hassle. To make things easier for you, our gutter professionals are sharing the top 3 benefits of installing gutter guards!
Gutter guards are exactly what they sound like; an extra piece of metal installed on the top of the gutter like a lid that is designed to let water in, but keep debris out. Here are a few ways these can be a great investment to your home:
- Gutter Guards make cleaning gutters and overall gutter maintenance much easier.
The whole purpose of gutter guards is to avoid clogs from debris. However, debris could still gather on top of the gutter guard. Luckily, it is much easier to clean the gutter guard than it is the gutter itself. Instead of climbing a ladder, reaching through all the gunk and then climbing down and back up multiple times, you can stand safely on the ground and spray the debris off the gutter guard with a garden hose! Our gutter professionals are all about safety, so the less ladder climbing you need to do, the better.
- Gutter Guards help prevent infestations.
Did you know that gutters are a hot spot for infestations such as mosquitos, bees and even mice and snakes? No thanks! Gutter Guards can help keep these creepy crawlers out of your gutters. Some of these pests can be a safety hazard to you and your family! They like the secure, dark space that a gutter provides. A gutter guard prevents them from being able to access your gutters and settle in.
- Gutter Guards help prevent corrosion on your gutter system.
Wet, soggy leaves that sit in your gutters for a long time can cause early rust and corrosion, which can eventually weaken your gutters as a whole. Those leaves can also build up an allow mold to grow in your gutters which could eventually spread to your shingles. Gutter Guards help keep those leaves away from your gutters which can help you protect your investment as well as increase the value of your home.
Gutter Guards can be an essential component to add to your gutter system. These are just a few ways the gutter professionals at Boak & Sons have seen gutter guards help home owners protect their gutters, but there are many benefits to them! To learn more about gutter guards, call our gutter professionals at 330-793-5646. You can also request a free estimate by filling out our contact form on our website! Call us today!