Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania are home to some beautiful birds. There are many different species of all different colors, and each have different behaviors. There are three in particular that make our region their home, and while we might not notice the effects they have on our homes, they definitely have some behaviors that homeowners should look out for, especially when it comes to residential roofs and residential gutters. To help protect your home, Sam Boak is sharing some behaviors birds have and how and how they can potentially cause residential home damage.
- Northern Cardinals
Cardinals are likely the easiest for us to identify because they’re so common in our area. That’s why they’re the State Bird of Ohio! Their beautiful red color and distinct feather patterns make them beautiful to look at. Cardinals like to hang out in low shrubs or trees, which are often found close to homes. While they don’t tend to nest in places homeowners should worry about, it is important to keep an eye out for nests in trees or shrubs close to your home or building. We always advise homeowners to keep these plants trimmed down so they’re not touching your home. This could cause residential home damage! Before you start trimming, make sure you’re checking for Cardinal nests!
- American Robins
Robins are another very well-known bird in our area. Much like their Cardinal cousins, they like thick, dense shrubs and trees to take refuge in when they build their nests. This is also something to watch out for when you’re maintaining your landscaping. Robins are notorious for their adorable babies in the springtime, usually laying anywhere from two to four eggs at a time. Robins will be extremely protective of their babies, so be weary if you have a nest nearby!
- Blue Jays
Blue Jays have a very vivid blue coloring that makes them easy to identify. Their beautiful black markings make them fun to watch, along with their spunky personalities. They typically like to stick to wood lines to build their homes but will sometimes take to a decent size tree in back yards. One thing for homeowners to look out for with Blue Jays is how they eat. They love acorns and will often take them up to a roof and crack them open. The debris from one acorn may be small, but over time it can build up in your residential gutters. Having debris in your gutters can lead to clogs and leaks! A great way to avoid this residential home damage is by putting a nice flat bird feeder in your yard and placing some acorns and other nuts in it. Blue Jays are very smart and will start using this space to enjoy their snacks!
While it’s not as likely for these birds to build nests in your gutters or around your homes, it’s not unheard of. Especially for Robins! If you see a nest in your residential gutter system or siding, don’t touch it! Call your local wildlife center and have them help you move it properly. If you notice any damage to your siding or gutters from these birds, once the nest is safely relocated call us at Boak & Sons!