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Sam Boak Shares 2 Ways to Make Sure your Residential Insulation will last through Winter

If you’ve been keeping up-to-date on our blog, you’ve probably seen us talking about preparing for winter. This comes in many ways, but one of the most important ones is your residential insulation. Insulation can provide many benefits to your home, especially in the winter. Sam Boak is sharing the top 2 ways to make sure your insulation is ready to keep you warm for the rest of winter!

  1. Inspect Your Attic

If your roof has any cracks or leaks, a likely vulnerable area will be insulation in your attic. Inspect your attic by checking for moisture damage and leaks in the walls. Or call the residential insulation professionals at Boak & Sons to walk through your attic and inspect your insulation for damage.

Proper attic ventilation can help reduce snow and ice accumulation on your roof and can allow air to flow freely in the attic. You could save money and energy by keeping your attic at the proper temperature, so make sure you give us a call to have your insulation looked at as well.

Inspecting your own attic insulation can be an easy task if your attic is accessible. Use a flashlight to find wet insulation or water stains on the wall. If you have any water in your attic, you may need to repair or replace your roof and replace your residential insulation.

  1. Pay Attention to your Utility Bill

Take a look at how much it’s costing you to cool and heat your home. Is one level of your home a different temperature than the others? Are you paying abnormally high bills to keep your home warm or cool? The answer could be in your insulation! When your insulation is not properly installed, you don’t have enough or you don’t have any at all, the temperature regulation you’re paying for is impossible to maintain. The air will go right through your roof and your heating and cooling systems will have to work twice as hard to keep you comfortable.

Give the residential insulation experts at Boak & Sons a call so we can take a look at your home’s insulation and see what your options are. Proper insulation can cut your utility costs, and that will come in handy when you’re trying to keep warm this winter! Call 330-793-5646 or visit www.boakandsons.com/contact today!