If it’s not BOAK, don’t fix it!

New Insulation from Insulation Experts at Boak & Sons Doesn’t have to be Scary

This time of year, there’s plenty to be scared of, but the insulation experts at Boak & Sons know that our services are nothing to be scared of. Halloween is just around the corner, and Sam Boak wants to remind everyone that safety always comes first here at Boak & Sons. To ease people’s minds, Boak & Sons is offering no-contact, free estimates for all services!

We want to provide the best quality service possible to all of our customers, but we understand that many still get a little nervous about having people in their home. We understand your desire to protect yourself and your loved ones, which is why Sam Boak offers no-contact estimates. Our expert project managers will handle all communications over the phone. If we’re at your house, our employees will ensure that they remain at least 6ft apart from you and your loved ones and, upon your request, will wear a face covering, especially if our insulation experts have to enter your home!

Our employees very rarely need to enter your home unless we’re helping with an insulation project. If that’s the case, we will work with you to ensure your estimate and service remains contact-free. It’s our job to keep your home safe and sound, and that includes the people living in it! Our insulation experts, like all of our employees, are regularly reminded to practice CDC recommendations such as wearing a mask, washing hands or using hand-sanitizer, and keeping an appropriate social distance at all times.

If you have any questions about our safety precautions and COVID-19 mitigations, feel free to contact us at any time! You can also call or send us a message from our website to schedule your no-contact, free estimate. Call 330-793-5646 or visit www.boakandsons.com/contact today!