Make Your Home or Business Unique with Sam Boak and the Vinyl Shake Siding Installers at Boak & Sons

Are you looking at siding options for your residential home or commercial building? Traditional vinyl siding is a popular option, but if you’re looking for a more unique look, Sam Boak encourages you to look into vinyl shake siding! Instead of straight vertical lines, vinyl shakes look more like square tiles. They are just as durable as traditional vinyl siding, but offer a different style that will help your home or building stand out from the rest.

Our vinyl shake siding installers are trained to make sure your shakes are securely installed to exceed manufacturer’s expectation, offering the best protection for your home or building for years to come. There are a variety of different colors to choose from to suit your personal style or branding, and you can even install multiple materials with these shakes to really catch the eye. Many office buildings will use traditional, vertical vinyl siding on the lower half of the building and finish the top half of the siding with vinyl shakes.

For residential homes, vinyl shakes create much more opportunities for design freedom on the siding. Homes can use a combination of vinyl shakes with brick, stone or traditional siding as well to create a one-of-a-kind look. Sam Boak even suggests using different color combinations of vinyl siding to get your desired look.

Vinyl shakes are just as durable and low maintenance as traditional vinyl siding. They are also just as bug and pest resistant due to their material makeup. Shake siding panels are traditionally derived from cedar wood materials. While cedar shakes look nice at first and may last a while, they are much more vulnerable to rotting and flaking. This also puts them at risk of pest infestations and damage from termites, birds and other wood-dwelling creatures. The vinyl shakes will last much longer because they’re more durable and resistant to dents, warping or rotting.

Our vinyl shake siding installers would love to help any homeowner or business owner give their space a new look. If you have any questions about vinyl shake siding, feel free to give us a call and speak to a project manager or Sam Boak himself. You can also schedule a free estimate by calling us at 330-793-5646 or by filling out the contact form on our website!