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Gutter Experts from Boak & Sons share the Top 4 Ways Leaking Gutters can harm your Commercial Building

Whether you are the manager of a commercial building or your own a business, keeping your building in good shape is crucial to your business. The gutter experts at Boak & Sons have seen many buildings experience damage that could have been prevented with some minor gutter repairs, so we want to make sure business owners are aware of just how serious that damage can be.

  1. Foundation damage. Leaky gutters can direct water flow too close to the building, which can cause it to collect around the base of the building. This can cause cracks and leaks in the foundation that will be harder and more expensive to repair. This can also allow water to enter the building, which can cause a number of further problems such as mold and wood rot.
  2. Roof and fascia damage. If your building’s gutters are not working properly, water can collect on your roof and damage the roofing system. Again, this could cause leaks and rotting of the materials underneath. Also, if the gutters are falling off, they could pull on the roofing system and cause damage or cause damage to your siding on their way down. This could also be a safety hazard for your employees.
  3. Standing water damage. If you gutters are not draining properly or are clogged, several problems can arise. Ice dams, overflowing gutters, and even pest infestations can occur. Bugs like mosquitoes thrive in standing water and a clogged gutter is the perfect place for them to invade!
  4. Cracked and water-damaged sidewalks, driveways or rotting decks and porches. Excess water can stain and deteriorate concrete overtime. Plus, if you have a porch or deck on your building, leaking gutters can cause them to rot. These can be an eye sore and even a safety hazard.

Gutters performing properly is a key component to a building that is performing properly and efficiently. Poor gutter conditions could lead to thousands of dollars in additional damage.

There are many more ways your gutters can compromise your commercial building if they are damaged or clogged. Be aware of the signs of gutter damage so you can get them repaired before they cause further damage! If you think your building might need new gutters or gutter repairs, schedule a free estimate with the gutter experts at Boak & Sons at www.boakandsons.com/contact or call our office at 330-793-5646 to speak to someone in our gutter department!