If it’s not BOAK, don’t fix it!

Celebrating 25 Years of Dedication: Boak & Sons at YMCA Camp Fitch

For the past 25 years, Boak & Sons has been a pillar of support for YMCA Camp Fitch, generously donating their time and services to ensure the camp remains a cherished haven for all who visit. This year, Camp Fitch YMCA honored this incredible partnership by naming a cottage “Boak Cottage,” which will be used for staff housing. This recognition is a testament to the unwavering commitment and passion of Sam Boak, who has been a dedicated member of the board for a quarter of a century.


Sam Boak has truly enjoyed every second of his involvement, spreading joy and enthusiasm among employees and family members alike. His dedication has inspired many, and the Boak & Sons team continues to embody the spirit of giving back.


This year, our team will be visiting around October 14th to support the camp by repairing roofs, maintaining buildings, and more.  We give back every year, and you can too! Check out their “Send a Kid to Camp” program and make a difference: Send a Kid to Camp


Let’s come together and support this wonderful cause! 💙 Thank you so much Camp Fitch YMCA, we cannot wait to visit the Boak Cottage!


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